Flashback Cinema | Xscape Cinemas
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Flashback Cinema


XSCAPE THEATRES has partnered with FLASHBACK CINEMA to bring you classic movies on the BIG screen!

See a different classic hit movie every week!
4 days a week.
Up to 3 showtimes each day.
Sundays through Wednesdays
If you would like to suggest a classic movie to show on the big screen, please submit your request to Flashback Cinema HERE.


“Cowabunga!” They’re lean, green, and on the screen! The ORIGINAL live-action version of the popular comic book/cartoon adventure. Four radioactively mutated, crime-fighting turtles use their martial arts skills to clean up the streets of New York City. Named for Renaissance painters (don’t ask), these fun-loving heroes enjoy fighting almost as much as they enjoy eating pizza. (“I love being a turtle!”) Rated PG


Cult classic starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a troubled suburban teenager who survives a freak accident and begins having visions of a giant bunny rabbit named Frank. And then things get really strange. Part sci-fi thriller, part teen angst drama, with an amazing cast that includes Maggie Gyllenhaal, Patrick Swayze, Drew Barrymore and Katharine Ross. Presented in its original theatrical version. (“I have to obey him. He saved my life.”) Rated R

THE MUMMY (1999)

Rousing action adventure, filled with romance and humor, that revived one of Hollywood’s most famous monster franchises. Starring Brendan Fraser as an explorer searching for a lost Egyptian city with a 3,000-year-old secret, joined by Rachel Weisz as an adventure-seeking librarian. (“You better think of something fast, because if he turns me into a mummy, you’re the first one I’m coming after.”) Rated PG-13


Touching romance based on the best-selling novel by Nicholas Sparks. Framed as a story told by a man (James Garner) to a woman (Gena Rowlands) about young lovers living in the 1940s. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams won critical acclaim for their break-out performances as a couple whose relationship is tested by war and class distinctions. (“I wrote you 365 letters…I wrote you every day for a year…”) Rated PG-13